Something i discovered about myself was that i looooooove research. I absolutely adore it, and i never would have found that out if i didn’t do research like crazy. ๐Ÿ™‚ I researched everything from shoes to hair, to hats, and even beggar images for my designs!

Wanna see some of my research? of course you do!

I started with ladies shoes, which were very hard for me to find anything on. But i learned that if you dig long enough, you are going to find yourself neck deep in images, and what a fabulous way to be! I found out aย  lot of information about the male shoes as well as hair for both sexes.

One thing i learned the hard way was to double check the time period of your images before you select them and show them to your designer.ย  I had to do research for the Cops, and i got a bunch of wonderful pictures, except that they were for like 3 totally different time periods. I didn’t know a police uniform could change that much in such a short period of time. Oh well lesson learned.