The panels created for Urinetown uses different techniques that uses material beyond just paint for their surface treatment. There are two looks that the panels tries to capture: one is the ugc corporation bathroom tiles and the other is the grotty cement walls of the street/amenity.

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This image captures a moment in the show where officer Lockstock and Barrel meets Hope on the corner street. In the scene, you can see the texture that was created on the panels. The process used to create this texture starts off with adding a layer joint compound to areas on the panels that desires texture. The joint compound creates on its own a dimension and texture that can catch shadows. The joint compound was mixed with glue and sand so that it can stay on the panels better. The next step was using a sponging method to paint it. Max did a great job sponging the panels to add age and distress to them. The joint compound texture already on the panel help in trapping paint pigments in areas that had more depth.

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On the other side of the panels was used during the Urine Good Company scenes. It wants to look like bathroom tiles that had the logo UGC on it. The panels are MDF (Medium Density Fiber) boards that had groves cut into them to create a grid for the panels. The groves were cut using a V shape tooth so to give it a rounded look that you might see in the motar. After the panels are cut, they were painted white and black for the lettering. On top of that, glossy paint was added to the face of the tiles to give it a shine. It was consciously decided that the groves would not be glossed as they represent mortar which is typically matte.

The two painting techniques worked very well on stage. By working with the shop and the paint department, the paint treatment on the panels turned out to be a success.